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About Us

Hello, my name is Sandra, I am the owner of Taji's Boutique.

I am a Cameroonian born girl, and also a graduate student in Mathematics. I was never really a “fashionable” person or someone interested in fashion until a few years ago, when I came to the US for grad school. Graduate school is stressful and you can easily get depressed. I fell into depression like many others. It never happened before and sincerely I didn’t know how to face it. I was determined to get better though. I tried so many things, and unexpectedly ( yes because I was quite a fit for the nerd stereotype... someone who doesn’t care about their physical appearance all that much) I found comfort in dressing up, and exploring my own sense of fashion.
Taji’s boutique is a fashion retail store that I started with the objective to share my love of fashion as a way of uplifting spirits and expressing oneself. My goal is for everyone to find here a fashion item that fits their personality and uplifts their spirit like mine.
I hope you enjoy these styles as much as I do.
With love,